Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I Like About You

So I'm watching this show called What I Like About You. It stars Amanda Bynes and some blonde girl that plays her older sister. This show is about a teenager girl (amanda) who lives with her oldest sister (the blonde one) I really like this show because I use to live with my eldest sister. Not like with the family and parents, but when I moved out for the first time I moved into her place and took over, basically her entire basement. Which was the biggest room ive ever had! and it was so nice to actually live by my own rules...which were her rules plus a few. My oldest sister has been my biggest hero and role model my whole live so living with her was some of the best few months of my life. She has two kids who would wake me up in the early morning so I would stomp upstairs to tell them to be quiet, and as soon as I got upstairs both of the kids would see me and the hugest grins broke out on thier faces and who can be grumpy with those faces beaming at you? Well anyway I just wanted to write a blog (because I'm a cool kid who doesnt want to do homework) about how much I had loved living with my oldest sister Liz. When we had to move and go our separate ways, I would cry myself to sleep most nights because I missed her. And when I visited her at her new place I could barely bring myself to leave it. Even now when I'm living with my boyfriend I still wish I could live with her. And I know that if something ever happens and I have to evacuate the premises I'm going to end up on her doorstep with my bags asking for room and board. with puppy dog eyes of course. And I would be happy.

1 comment:

  1. aww, i love you. and you wouldn't need puppy dog eyes. just sushi.<3
